Sunday, October 11, 2015

My 5 Artworks

 These first two drawings were done during my last year at UC Irvine, right before graduation. The first one is a drawing from one of my townhome's window, and the second one is a contour drawing in class of hired models.

This photo is one of my street photographs in Beverly Hills, California, which is actually on Rodeo Drive. My mother is in the window reflection.

This collage is one of my artworks from Platt College's graphic design program. This is a collage of the movie, Sleepless in Seattle, because I have always liked the city, Seattle, as well as I had insomnia during that time. 

This is my metal board, where I place various photos, pictures, and postcards with magnets to create my own collage of ideas and art.

Looming Halter Tops

This year, I have learned how to loom different items, in which I never thought I could do because I mostly have knitted small and simple items such as friendship bracelet and macrame pot holders. But, now, because of youtube demos, I have loomed many scarves, beanies, hats, bags, chokers, dress, and halter tops.

I added some photo booth snapshots of two of my halters that I loomed. The light blue halter was a better fit, while the turquoise halter was a little bit too big. It was the first halter I loomed, and I wasn't sure what size to make it, or if I should go bigger or smaller. I soon realized that looming is all about trial and error, especially if you are inexperienced or an amateur. You learn by just doing.
I woke up around seven in the morning, and it is a Sunday. I didn't even sleep in, like a usually do. I decided to make a cappuccino with the Espresso Italiano coffee blend and nonfat milk. I haven't had cappuccino for a while because I was detoxing with raw vegan foods and smoothies, and I always feel good after detoxing that I plan to do it more often. After I manually frothed my nonfat milk, which was nice and foamy, I sprinkled cinnamon on top. I enjoyed my Cappuccino a la Espresso Italiano.